Thursday, 15 August 2013

Birthday on Lake Como

I was very excited because today was my birthday and we were having it at Lake Como. It was a really pretty place to be celebrating turning 9.


When I woke up I got all my presents. I got lots of nice things like a dress, books, earrings and jewellery plus some Euros from my Grandad and Aunties and Uncles.

Then my Grandad+ Uncle Matty, Aunty Mel and Harry called me from Australia. I had a great chat to them which made me really happy but miss them too.

To celebrate we had a really nice lunch in a restaurant overlooking the lake at Varenna which was the next village to where we were staying.

But the thing I had been looking forward to the most was FIVE FLAVOURS OF GELATI that my Dad had been promising me for ages. I had blueberry, vanilla, peach, coconut and fruit di bosco.  We went out for a special desert that wasn’t gelati after dinner too.


It was also the first time it had ever been hot on my birthday since it’s in July.

I had the best birthday ever. I rate it a 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 out of 10.

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